Airbnb House

UI Design + Interior design

 digital and physical experience integration
Finding myself at home for quarantine during Spring 2020, I teamed up with a friend from college to brush up on my UX skills, learn Figma and SketchUp, and create a meaningful product. Our final deliverables for this project consist of a high-res mobile UI, 3D Wall Projection experience, and a SketchUp model of how we envision the physical space.
In order to better understand the Airbnb clientele that our concierge service concept was created to serve, we conducted market research using a Google sheets survey. The graphics below outline the participant group and outline our findings.

The Future

We would love to make AirBnB Concierge a reality, together! We believe AirBnB would extend its access to more customers and create a new revenue stream by implementing the Concierge model into their service offerings.
Created in partnership with
Tavin Boynton |
Figma, Sketch Up, Adobe Creative Suite